Where I’ve been
“Where do you spend the majority of your time?”
I get this question a lot, usually from people who think that I must have a home base somewhere. The short answer is: there is no short answer, but New York City is where I call home.
Technically I’ve spent 58% of nomad life in the U.S. but even those days are quite scattered.
Storage unit: Brooklyn.
Family: Virginia.
Ex-girlfriend: New York.
Lover: South Carolina.
Skiing and work: the Rockies.
Work and friends: Florida.

Where I’m going…
“How do you determine where to go next?”
There are three things that determine my travels:
1.) Work. People hire me to take pictures all around the world.
2.) My Bucket List. I’m very ambitious about accumulating experiences and exploring new places.
3.) Visiting friends. People all over the world have offered me a place to crash, and I’m audacious enough to say yes to those invitations.
I kinda go through life with a general idea of what I’d like to do, and I hope my plans get interrupted with something even better.