Chivor Lake
in Colombia
Greetings from
November 2023
Newsletter # 1
I’m thrilled to share my [new] newsletter with you! Scroll through, see what catches your attention, and ignore the rest.
My goal is to add light and value to your life today, and more to your inbox tomorrow.
Please do me a favor and subscribe if you like the way you feel after reading this.

Where I am:
Colombia, near Bogotá
How long:
Three weeks, leaving on Dec 5th.
Why I'm here:
I wanted a place to catch up on work, to plan ahead, and be active without having to think about day-to-day tasks like getting around, feeding myself, and making small talk.
What it's like:
ChivorKite is a guesthouse overlooking a beautiful mountain lake. They provide a homemade breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day, for about the price of one Chipotle burrito. There's also a daily CrossFit class and housekeeping service. On top of that, it's a great spot for kiteboarding. There's only one other guest here currently, so it's quiet and it gives me plenty of time to work. Simply put: it's an ideal destination for a kiting nomad.
What I’ve seen:
a sampling from my camera roll

What I’ve thought:
[ Five things on my mind ]
When I am feeling behind, I stop looking forward. I fool myself into thinking "As soon as I finish this thing, then it will be easier to do the next thing," but of course it's never that simple. The more time I spend looking back, the more I trip over what’s right in front of me. Instead I’m trying to allow time each day for looking forward, catching up, and being present. Progress, I’m reminding myself, is more important than completion.
I want to make art, make money, and make love. That’s pretty much it. Sometimes it feels that simple, and other times I complicate it with a bunch of nuance.
A girl canceled on a first date an hour before it was scheduled to happen because, "It's time to focus on just me," she said. Clearly she is prioritizing her own needs and self-care, which is generally a very healthy thing, but in this case she is trading her integrity for “me time.” A healthier approach would have been to recognize her limits and needs before making external commitments.
When I am enthusiastically having fun, it spills over to those around me. I often overlook the value I add by simply living out loud. Maybe I'm not the only one who benefits from unabashedly enjoy those moments.
When my marriage was falling apart, several close friends voiced very strong opinions on what I should do. They thought they were helping me, but they didn't seem to realize they were actually burning the bridge that once connected us. By telling me what to do without having lived through my experience, it felt as if they cared about their beliefs more than they cared about me. Lately I've wondered if the Israelis and Palestinians feel the same when others voice their opinions from a safe distance.
What I’ve felt:
Debilitating soreness from CrossFit
The thrill of kiteboarding
The annoyance of a cold sore
Relieved to be settled in one place
Laughter around the dinner table
Goosebumps in the shower (ie. no hot water)
What’s in my bag:
[ aka product reviews ]
GoPro Hero 12 Black
I got the brand new Hero 12 about six weeks ago. So far I've taken it swimming in waterfalls in Costa Rica, snorkeling in the Caribbean, playing in the waves at that famous airport beach in Sint Maarten, a cold plunge in Upstate New York, and kiteboarding in Colombia (um, wow! I did all of that in the last six weeks?! Wild...) Anyway, the thing that I am most impressed with is the water-resistant coating on the lens. I don't know how they did it, but it works! I've ruined so many shots over the years because I didn't notice water droplets accumulating on the lens, but now they just roll off magically. This alone is worth the price of the upgrade for me.
- The battery life also got a big improvement; I don't even carry a spare any more.
- It's practically identical in size to the Hero 9, so it still fits all of my accessories, like the floatie and the bubble housing.
- Finally, even though I primarily use it for video, I've been impressed with the image quality of the photos it captures. They no longer look like grainy, soft GoPro photos, but rather something from a high quality camera.

Photography tip:
…to this…
Go from this…
…by simply doing this.
If the sun is hitting the camera lens from the front it will "fog" the image. This produces a photo with poor contrast and weak colors (aka "washed out.") A very simple solution is to place your hand over the camera lens so that the direct sunlight is blocked. This is the exact same purpose as the sun visor in your car: the visor blocks the sun from hitting your eyes, allowing you to see better. Your camera works the same way. Just try to avoid getting your fingers in the frame.
What I’m looking forward to:
A milestone for nomad life
Filling my current passport (a Bucket List goal for me)
Getting my custom-designed Zippo lighter

What I’m
grateful for:
A private room with a stand-up desk, and hangers for my clothes
Alex and Safi, the housekeeping staff who make my bed and prepare my meals every day
A beautiful view from my bedroom every morning.
Low humidity so my clothes and my kite dry quickly
Naps in a hammock
Valet kite service
and YOU, dear reader, for seeing what it’s all about. I’m glad you’re here! Let’s see what we find next time, shall we?